Motorcycle Tag

The first two photos constitute a 'tag' I made on
To make a tag, you must photograph your bike at the existing tag location,
then again at the location you're placing it.


I was on an early morning tagging mission, having left the house about 0520.
It was a wonderful ride up the coast from Ventura,
with temps solidly in the mids 50s.
Traffic was pretty much a non-issue, the XM was playing, and I was making miles.
Oh, the ST is good at making miles.

Highway 154 climbs up through San Marcos pass from Santa Barbara and
descends over the Cold Spring Bridge into Santa Ynez Valley.
My first objective was to get the tag from underneath Cold Spring Bridge.

But a surprise awaited me as I rounded the curve just beyond the bridge toward my turnoff.
The entire visible valley was blanketed in heavy fog below me.

I'm sure the weary commuters on 154 were confused watching me climb the adjacent hillside in my faded 'Stich.
But that's were the angle was I wanted.

Getting the tag was pretty uneventful, but I did try to get a bit creative while I was there.

Placing the tag posed a slight challenge...I rode past it four times without seeing it,
and I had someplace to be shortly after.  Finally, I found a local walking a dog and got directions.

That's all I'll say about the new tag, as part of the challenge is figuring it out.
However, I am confident the location is appropriate for a motorcycle tag.


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